>> Team
Julia von Bomsdorff | Project Management
As a project manager, I see myself first and foremost as a moderator of an interdisciplinary team facing complex tasks. My job is then to support the team professionally with agile and classic methods on the path to joint success and to enable each individual to apply his or her expertise in a targeted and effective manner. Here is a selection of exciting projects: Viereck: More planning security through professionalization of project management.
„I've got the backs of the department experts."
>> Projects
Here is a selection of exciting projects:
> Viereck: More planning security by professionalization of project management
> Hybrid project management: not classic, but not really agile either
> „Navigiere den Wandel: Wie Change-Management Projekte zum Fliegen bringt“ (zum Video auf YouTube)
> Mit agilen Methoden einen Rechenzentrums-Umzug meistern (zum Artikel auf www.it-daily.net)
> Kinderleicht: Mit agilen Methoden klappt das Homeschooling (zum Artikel auf www.business-on.de)
House of PM GmbH
Ferdinandstrasse 12
20095 Hamburg