House of PM GmbH
Ferdinandstrasse 12
20095 Hamburg
>> Expert tip
The right Push digitization projects
Digitization has ushered in a new era in the world of work, and companies are facing the challenge of redesigning their processes and strategies in order to remain competitive. But which digitization projects really make sense and are promising? The answer is: The right projects must be driven forward in order to exploit the full potential of digitization.
Careful analysis and clear strategy
But it's not about simply implementing technology. It is about pushing the right projects that take into account the needs of all stakeholders and are implemented in line with the corporate strategy. A careful analysis of the company's processes and a clear strategy are of great importance for this.
Pair comparison as a one-dimensional method
>> Contact
Take the chance
Digitization offers companies numerous opportunities to reposition themselves and
ensure long-term success. We help you align your strategy against digitization projects to implement the right projects from your portfolio.
Take the chance to talk to our experts Sibylle Schmidtke and Hauke Thun about your project and book an appointment at:
House of PM GmbH
Ferdinandstrasse 12
20095 Hamburg