>> Webinars

Time for new inspirations

Benefit from the expertise of our experts on new methods, lessons learned, project insights or practical experiences in our webinars

>> Webinar

MS Teams in action - setting up and managing projects effectively

In this webinar, we will demonstrate how to effectively initiate and organize projects in MS Teams while strategically engaging your team. You will discover key functions and best practices for seamlessly integrating meetings, files, tasks, and communication into one cohesive tool.

We'll show you how to set up a project in a structured way in just a few steps, organize channels and tabs sensibly and make the most of collaboration with power features such as file storage, task management, chat and video calls. You will also receive valuable tips on how to promote teamwork and avoid common mistakes.

>> Webinar

"Navigating Change: How Change Management Makes Projects Fly."

In an ever-changing business world, the ability to successfully manage change is critical. Learn how to motivate employees, overcome resistance and create a positive change culture. Expand your knowledge of successful change management practices and discover how to achieve project success.

>> Webinar

Barefoot or patent shoe?
How design influences the path to project success.

Interesting facts and practical tips on the subject of project design - for all those who are about to start a new project.

With flip-flops to the summit cross? With hiking boots to the beach for surfing? You can do that. But it can also be difficult or even lead to the fact that one arrives at the desired destination with some injuries. From our point of view, it's a similar story with projects when it comes to deciding on the right design.

In our webinar, our project management experts Stefan Resch and Dr. Ralph Kogelheide take a look at what is meant by project design, what is important and how important the project design is for the further course of the project. In addition, they go into different variants for designing a project and present the most important steps and decision criteria for starting a project. Of course, everything is peppered with illustrative examples from our practice.

>> Webinar

The holy grail of plans -
Why planning work packages are worthwhile.

Whether it is the work breakdown structure, often referred to as the mother of all plans in classic project management, or the storymap, also known as the holy grail in the agile approach - the structured collection of the work to be done and processes within a project is regarded in project management as the basis for the successful completion of a project.

In our online session, we will show how a project team can quickly arrive at a structured representation of the essential project tasks with relatively little effort. We will also take a closer look at the reasons why work package planning is so often rejected, look at what can happen if you start without planning, and reveal tricks for convincing skeptics of its benefits after all. We even go one step further and show - at least for many medium-sized projects - how you can have a usable project plan at hand with just one more step.

>> Webinar

Get into pole position with the Project Performance Check.

If a project is faltering or is already in trouble, the project manager often already has a good idea of where the causes might lie. However, he or she lacks an independent, professional assessment and, if necessary, impulses for suitable solutions. Preferably in black and white, in order to get the go-ahead from management for optimization measures.

In unserem Webinar gehen Hauke Thun und Stefan Hennig exemplarisch auf sechs Fragen aus dem House of PM Project Performance Check ein, anhand derer man bereits erkennen kann, dass im Projektmanagement Handlungsbedarf besteht. Dazu geben sie zahlreiche Beispiele, welche manchmal überraschenden Erkenntnisse sie in der Praxis gefunden haben und wie sich diese auf die weitere Projektarbeit ausgewirkt haben.

If you want to find out whether your project also needs a pit stop, feel free to put it to the test yourself first with our Project Performance Quick Check.

>> Webinar

Can't be done, doesn't exist - Designing typical PM routines online.

In this online session, we take a look at three typical project management routines that, despite all the skepticism about interactive online workshops, can be wonderfully executed as online sessions. In addition to the script, templates and tools for the meetings, we also look at possible sources of disruption and share our experiences of what can go wrong online and how it still works.

>> Webinar

Control despite self-organization -
project management between classic and agile

The speakers of the webinar - Dr. Ralph Kogelheide and Marcel Valentin - have already experienced in different constellations the typical reservations that one encounters as a project manager in the role as mediator between classic and agile project worlds. In our online session, the two of them will take a closer look at the key differences and show us the concrete approaches and tools that project managers can use to deal with them.

>> Webinar

Between home office and homeschooling:
Keeping track with agile methods

In this webinar, Julia von Bomsdorff tells us how a SCRUM board, "Daily Stand-Ups", "Sprint Plannings" and "Storypoints" can be playfully integrated into homeschooling and how mother and daughter handled it. For those who want to refresh or expand their knowledge of agile methods, Dr. Sophia Schubert explains the applied building blocks of agile methodology.

>> Webinar

Collaborate on projects effectively & efficiently, even from the home office.

If you already have some experience with Microsoft Teams, our webinar is exactly the right next step to show your project teams the next maturity level of collaboration. Learn how to collect all relevant planning in a structured way in virtual project rooms, maintain it together and keep an overview of the project progress.

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